Take A Stand! O N L I N E

"Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word"

The Official Newsletter of Eric Barger’s Take A Stand! Ministries

www.ericbarger.com                                       Aug. 27, 1999

Beware of Push for International
Debt Forgiveness!

This morning while researching I came across a very important article hidden deep within the August 14th edition of the Dallas Morning News (link below).  There is a movement called "Jubilee 2000", which is working to persuade rich Western countries to cancel $206 billion in debt owed by the 41 poorest nations. Organizers have set the turn of the year as a deadline.  The movement is endorsed by:
- The Roman Catholic Church
- The Eastern Orthodox churches
- Mainline Protestant denominations of the National Council of Churches
- The Muslim Public Affairs Council
- The American Jewish World Service
- The ultra-left, pseudo-Jewish magazine Tikkun

Such a movement is just what it will take to see the Antichrist's world banking system of Revelation 13 realized.

Several months ago I began warning my audiences to beware of any movement such as "Jubilee 2000" to bring about international debt reduction.  I have been saying that such a movement could come on the heels of and international banking crisis and would probably be predicated as a solution to restabilize the world's banking systems after a severe collapse.

Until now I knew of no actual organized move toward international debt forgiveness.  Though "Jubilee 2000" may not pack the punch that a worldwide financial crisis would - such as that of a worst case Y2K-induced scenario - it is very significant.  Let me outline the possibilities to help you understand how a call for debt forgiveness could help sweep the world into the hands of Antichrist.

Though relatively uncomplicated in the scheme of world banking today, the single factor that now holds us back from the actual money system of the Antichrist is simply the monetary value discrepancies from nation to nation.  U.S. currency is worth more than Mexican; British is worth more than Russian, Japanese is worth more than Brazilian and so on.  I believe that the carrot of debt forgiveness dangling before the peoples of the world, in return for financial stability could well be the way the internationalist might fulfill their dream of truly having "one world" monetarily.

"Jubilee 2000" is just the tip of the iceberg - that is forgiveness of the debts of poor nations.  What if there was international financial chaos?  Imagine this scenario.

The world is plunged into financial morass due to a collapse of the conventional banking systems of not only the "third world" but also the "first world" nations.   Obviously, Y2K could present such a scenario if our worst fears (or more) are realized.

After a dark period of international turmoil, where the usual sources that have brought financial relief in times of trouble are neutralized, the world's leaders propose a plan to cancel debt - all debt - both public and private.  Though the plan would meet with some resistance those who oppose it would be overwhelmed.  The vast majority, in particular, the common man would jump at the chance!  "Wow, a fresh start, a new beginning...we're saved" would be the thought.

The globalists have long surmised that they could never see their plan to unify the world brought to fruition unless they could destabilize the "first world" nations and level the financial playing field worldwide.  After all, what free, super-power nation with a large middle class and powerful economy would ever throw in the towel to globalism unless their security was compromised?

Tragically, the vast majority of Americans and Canadians are today in debt over their heads.  Can you imagine how receptive the unsuspecting public would be - international financial crisis or not - if they were presented with the possibility of having all their debts wiped out?

The only hitch would be this.   To get your debts wiped out, you just have to agree to use a new international currency and financial system.  A small price to pay it would seem.  After all, with financial systems worldwide reduced to rubble what good would our dollars, pounds, franks, yen, (etc.) be anyway?

To pay off debt - debt being the key tool of globalism - the world citizenry would breath a collective sigh of relief as they relinquish control over their national monies and embrace with open arms none other than Antichrist's banking system!

To much of a stretch?  I don't think so.  All we need is one good worldwide economic panic and this plan could be realized.  Perhaps not even that.

Two other notes as I close.

First, it is very interesting that "Jubilee 2000" is calling for debt forgiveness before any worldwide crisis but as the Dallas Morning News article points out some are relating it as a balance against possible Y2K difficulties that may effect finances.

Second, did you notice that the endorsees of "Jubilee 2000" are primarily the most liberal religious organizations going and that this is viewed as a religious movement - one that if you dare oppose you will be labeled a "separatist" who is out of step with modern reality?  One interesting name on the list endorsing "Jubilee 2000" was Tikkun, the ultra-left magazine/philosophy that Bill Clinton has publicly embraced (see link below).  Though the Dallas Morning News article identified Tikkun as "Jewish" it is my researched opinion that Tikkun is actually cultic instead.

Those of you who have heard my seminar or seen our video "Religion in Washington: Guru's of the New World Order" already know about Tikkun and it's ties to both President and Mrs. Clinton.  So, it came as no shock to me that Tikkun editor and founder, Michael Lerner, was one of the ring-leaders pushing "Jubilee 2000".  By the sounds of it perhaps "Globalism 2000" would better fit what the world would get from such a movement built to further redistribute wealth without cause.

"As We Forgive Our Debtors" - Dallas Morning News 8/14/1999

"The Clintons and Tikkun: A Cult Love Affair"

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copyright Eric Barger, 1999

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http://www.ericbarger.com/       (972) 495-9490