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The proposed Climate Treaty and the UN’s “Defamation of Religions” resolution plus Apostate “Christians” all threaten to cripple and even criminalize the work of God…

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By Eric Barger


Sixteen years ago I wrote, “The stated goal of the New World Order is to establish a global government. To do this, the redistribution of the wealth of the United States is mandatory. The New World Order simply cannot happen if we remain financially strong.” I also stated that the public’s perception of any pending global catastrophe - whether real or imaginary - would promptly be pounced upon as a tool to cede sovereignty from sovereign nations and into the grip of the global elite. That same year (1993) I recorded the video “The New World Order and the Environment… or How to Rule the World Through Fear.” (See here) What I observed nearly two decades ago is materializing right before our eyes today. Even conservative pundits (such as Rush Limbaugh, heretofore a naysayer concerning the encroachment of globalism) are now sounding daily alarms concerning this very thing.

Though admittedly there is a biblical case to be made for thoughtful custodial care of the earth, the current global warming frenzy is simply an extension of fanaticism from the recent past. Whether it was global warming, planetary extinction from alleged ozone depletion or the assurance that the earth was about to enter the next ice age, all of these like-minded movements fingered mankind as the culprit. They also all lacked one thing as well. Though leftists have succeeded in pushing the various environmental nightmare scenarios as absolute fact (using every medium from school curriculum to motion pictures), they have yet to achieve scientific consensus to validate their assertions. Even though the mainstream media has done their best to ignore them, and their peers have denigrated and ostracized them, the scientists and climatologists who've not walked the party line have thankfully managed to fuel and grow a burgeoning opposition movement.

There is something else that the various "save the planet" movements have had in common which truly does make the heart race. A careful study of biblical prophecy indicates that we are surely watching the construction of the system over which the Antichrist will someday rule. One common thread in building this global system for the Man of Sin is firmly predicated on the perception that mankind is destroying the planet - whether that is reality or not. Mirroring Paul's predictions in II Timothy 3 and 4, many leading the world toward what eventually becomes Antichrist's system are displaying a "form of godliness" claiming to be "Christians," evangelicals, no less. With all of this and so much more, one could easily be caught up in hopelessness and despair. However the Bible never instructs us to be fatalistic. Silence or surrender are simply not options, either. Instead, we must resist efforts like Copenhagen and list the consequences to anyone willing to listen. By destroying America’s freedom and financial solvency, be it at the hand of Obama, some unscrupulous scientists, or a bunch of misguided cultists, earth worshipers and neo-evangelicals, they are, know it or not, helping to build Satan's end-time system. But I digress.

There can be no doubt of what the one-worlders and climate-fear fanatics are trying to accomplish, whether sooner or later. In promotion of the Copenhagen treaty, The World Wildlife Fund’s Panda.org states, “Climate change experts from leading non-governmental organizations (from 192 countries) have written their blueprint for a legally binding Copenhagen agreement.” The WWF is also insisting that, regardless of how many politicians may resist, a binding treaty must happen - NOW. (Source Here)

Yahoo Answers rightly explained that “The Copenhagen Treaty would transfer control of the United States from the American voters to an International Committee.” This politically incorrect view has recently been eliminated from Yahoo. (Source Here)

British intellectual, commentator, and climate expert, Lord Christopher Monckton, told a crowd at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, on October 14 that the expressed purpose of the treaty was stated therein. Having read the 200 page treaty, Monckton related that the real reason for the proposed Copenhagen Treaty is that through it a world government will be created and that the Treaty clearly spells this out in no uncertain terms. He also pointed out that once our nation signs and ratifies such a treaty there is no going back without the rest of the signers agreeing to let us out. There is no chance we’d ever be excused from a treaty like Copenhagen since the United States will no doubt be the largest monetary contributor. Lord Monckton stated that the Copenhagen Treaty actually states this and that secondly, a monumental transfer of wealth will take place because of what the Treaty calls “climate debt” which the developed countries allegedly owe to the world society for all of their past consumption. Monckton warns that the third leg of the Treaty is enforcement. ENFORCEMENT? As I said in 1993, the one-world crowd hates nationalism and needs a crisis, either real or perceived, which leads to economic mayhem, followed by the creation of a global government which supposedly fixes the problem but, more importantly, puts them in charge.

I know it sounds Orwellian, but this is now the reality that the globalists and the enviro-nuts are succeeding in creating and ignoring it is a far worse solution than exposing it. I suggest everyone take the four minutes needed to hear what Lord Monckton has to say. He is warning us in no uncertain terms to act before the globalists succeed in what would likely be an irreversible plan. To watch the video on my YouTube channel Click Here.

Monckton, a former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher during her years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has also challenged former VP, Al Gore, to a debate concerning the validity of Gore’s claims brought forth in his film, An Inconvenient Truth. Monckton said, "A careful study of the substantial corpus of peer-reviewed science reveals that Mr. Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth, is a foofaraw of pseudo-science, exaggerations, and errors, now being peddled to innocent schoolchildren worldwide." (Source Here) Gore, another do-nothing recipient of the Nobel Prize, has, of course, ignored the challenge.

British Parliament member Daniel Hannan echoed Monckton’s warnings during an interview with Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck on October 23. Sounding as if he were quoting my 1993 video presentation, Hannon cited Canadian New Ager, Maurice Strong (organizer of the 1992 Earth Summit held in Rio and business partner of Al Gore), as a coordinator of the Copenhagen conference. Oh joy.

Strong and many other one-world radicals detest national sovereignty and success, in particular ours. The US Constitution is a relic that means nothing to them. If our illustrious president signs a Copenhagen-like climate treaty and our left-leaning US Senate ratifies it, we have indeed effectively relinquished our freedoms and sovereignty to a global government.

Don’t forget that the Global Warming crowd are the real fanatics who dominate what you hear through the mainstream media and much of what is taught in the government-run schools. They have forcefully used a matter-of-fact approach similar to that employed by the evolutionists to ram their unsubstantiated ideology down the throats of a gullible public. How dare you doubt that the sky is falling, they say. That’s easy. Just check out these two extensive resources we’ve linked conveniently on www.ericbarger.com:

 “Fire and Ice” by R. Warren Anderson and Dan Gainor: “Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but can’t decide whether we face an ice age or warming.” Anderson and Gainor nail the political nature of the current climate change frenzy and give solid reasons why politicians, pundits and educators who push the global warming hoax as fact have little to stand on.

Global Warming Petition Project - Signed by 31,478 American scientists, including 9,029 with PhDs. Upon its release (at the Washington, DC, National Press Club) only Fox News covered the story. Why? It’s simply because these 31,000+ scientists and educators dared to contradict the prescribed, globalist-socialist rhetoric and state that there isn't a shred of evidence that mankind is the cause of global warming! (Let’s remember, too, that for several years the mean temperature of the planet has been cooling but the globalists want you to either be ignorant of or disregard that, also.)

Find these important pieces and more linked at: www.ericbarger.com/infomenus/nwo.htm.

Some of you may be aware that the discount warehouse chain, Costco, featured an article by Al Gore in their monthly magazine, The Costco Connection, in November, 2009. The article was intended to promote Gore’s latest book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis but instead drew overwhelming opposition. In the December issue of The Costco Connection, the editors readily admitted they were not expecting such a reaction. (Advertisers should take the hint that millions of us are sick of hearing the words “environmentally friendly” and “green” in advertising associated with products let alone being subjected to Al Gore on the cover of The Costco Connection. My wife’s first reaction was to simply toss the magazine without opening it!) One letter to the editor noted several customers who were canceling their Costco memberships. Another noted that “Mr. Gore has been thundering pseudo science, half truths, full-on lies and garbage science supported by secret and distorted data for several years now.” Still another letter suggested that Costco should contact Dr. Fred Singer, professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, for an opposing opinion. To their credit, Costco did just that and asked Singer, one of the most vocal opponents to Global Warming, to write for their December issue. To see his comments and other letters to the editor Click Here.


Though it is not a slam dunk that an agreement will be reached next month in Copenhagen, the UN, smelling blood (…or is that oil in the water?), has stated that by 2010 they will indeed have constructed a binding climate change treaty - the results of which will indeed be cataclysmic to an already weakened United States economy. That’s probably putting it mildly. These people are not going to stop until they bring down the great evil nation who opposes their New Age worldview and who have polluted the planet and so troubled Mother Earth. Don’t forget, the same sort of regulations are being concocted in the halls of Congress under the heading of “Cap-and-Trade” by Representatives Waxman and Markey and Senators Boxer and Kerry - all far-left ideologues. Please note also that the chairman of the Copenhagen Climate Council, Tim Flannery, is a primary proponent of global Cap and Trade regulations. To fully understand the cap-and-trade craziness, visit my YouTube channel and watch as two veteran lawyers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explain this scam. (See it Here)

American Christians must understand that, besides limiting our ability to manufacture goods, grow food and travel freely, there is an eternally ominous component to all of this. Beyond a marked and rapid decline of our standards and way of life in North America, an enforceable climate change treaty would decimate the ability of Christians here to continue being the overwhelming and primary funding source for evangelism, missionary endeavors, and general spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Whether real or merely perceived, we cannot miss the fact that Satan is pulling the strings and controlling not the temperature but the accompanying climate change hysteria. He surely knows that the United States economy must be neutralized so as to stem further worldwide evangelistic efforts by Christians bent on carrying out Jesus’ commands to “go into all of the world.” THIS IS THE BOTTOM LINE THAT WE MUST STAND AND PRAY AGAINST.

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(c) copyright 2009, Eric Barger

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