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"Now in our twentieth year of standing for truth!"

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Update from Eric Barger - Dec. 26, 2002

Greetings and blessings!

Melanie and I pray God's best blessings on you during this joyous time of the year! As you continue to celebrate during this Christmas season, remember that for the Believer, each day should be a day to praise God for Christ's coming; for His sacrifice, death and resurrection and to remember His promise to return someday soon in power and unimaginable glory!

For many of you, this will be your first email newsletter. Greetings and thanks for your interest in our ministry! We haven't emailed to our subscriber list in some time but have now secured the services of an ultra fast server to be able to do regular email newsletters once again.

We've had a very productive year for God and are seeing a marked increase in the numbers of people of all ages finding Jesus through this ministry. It has been awesome watching God use the seminar teaching ministry to "set the table" for evangelism. We're certainly not without opposition though as cultists, witches, atheists and others write or email me daily to voice their displeasure with my views. That's OK. I can handle it. The dialog that sometimes ensues often reveals the hidden holes buried deep in wounded hearts and allows us to pour the life of Jesus into the vacuum left by sin. At very least we are certain that our tapes, books, website and interviews are touching the very lost that we so seek to see saved!

Our website has many new articles, links and resources which are too numerous to list here. I encourage you to visit www.ericbarger.com and check out what's new.

Some of you may have already received our December letter via postal mail which included "The Gleaning of God." If you haven't done so already, please take a moment and read it by clicking here. The newsletter outlines where we've been, where we are presently and a glimpse of the vision for where we believe God is leading us in the future, plus it outlines some year-end opportunities for you.

Thanks for your ongoing prayer and financial support in 2003. It's going to be a good year in the Lord as we join hands with you to go forward for Kingdom of God!

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Read "The Gleaning of God"
Click Here

These mailers are sent to SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. If you are receiving this email update and did NOT subscribe to receive our email newsletter and/or do not want to receive future mailers, please kindly send us your request to ebnl@toasthost.com.

If you wish to email Eric Barger please do so at eric@ericbarger.com. Thank you!

If you are not already a subscriber to Take A Stand! O N L I N E click here!

Take A Stand! Ministries - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(972) 495-9490           www.ericbarger.com