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Eric & Melanie Barger

Holiday Specials

Thanks for "Taking a Stand" with us!

Package #1

Four inspirational books from Dr. Elmer Towns

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The Son

The incredible story
of Christ’s birth, life,
death, and resurrection
will continue to be told until the end of time.

This book will thrill you as Dr. Towns unfolds the miraculous Christmas story.

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My Angel Named Herman

Great for kids!

A sixth grade boy learns about the universe, the stars, and deals with his parent’s divorce through his friendship with the school janitor named Herman (who just happens to be an angel). Extremely educational, and a compelling read with eight pages of line art illustrations.

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God Encounters

Elmer Towns tells the incredible true stories of both biblical characters like Moses, Ezekiel and Mary Magdalene and church leaders such Moody, Spurgeon and Wesley.

This book will encourage every Christian to seek their own "God Encounter!"

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Bible Answers For Almost All Your Questions

THIS BOOK IS A "MUST HAVE" for every Christian!

Nearly 500 pages of great information! Very well written and easy to use in finding the answers to nearly every question you will ever have about the Bible.

Elmer Towns: The author of over 100 books, Dr. Towns is a respected theologian and is sought after as a conference speaker worldwide. He is the co-founder Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and serves as the Dean of the School of Religion there.

Having written in the liner notes for our book, Disarming the Powers of Darkness, Dr. Towns has been a terrific inspiration to my co-author David Benoit and I. He has graciously consented to offer this package to our friends and supporters. (see pictures here)

Request this package and receive Eric Barger's message "Memorials for God" on audio cassette!

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Package #2

Reaching Mormons and Understanding Mormonism

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DNA vs. The Book of Mormon
new video

New DNA evidence has proven conclusively that the storyline in the Book of Mormon is fraudulent!

This presentation is perhaps the most exciting breakthrough to aid in witnessing to intellectually honest Mormons!

(Available in VHS or DVD formats)

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Beyond Mormonism
by Jim Spencer

This is the intriguing story of Jim Spencer's journey out of Mormonism.

This book is a compelling, encouraging story for if God can save Jim, Ed Decker and others he surely can save anyone that you may be standing in faith believing for.

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Hard Case Witnessing
by Jim Spencer

Great resource for reaching those lost in the cults, secularism or atheism.

Jim Spencer understands the cult mindset and is one of the brightest thinkers in Christianity today.

This book is a must for everyone serious about reaching "impossibles" for Christ!

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To Moroni with Love
by Ed Decker

This terrific, concise book capsulates Ed Decker's 45 year study of the Mormon religion.

Quoting Mormon sources and comparing Latter-Day Saint doctrine to the Bible, Decker's compassion and love for the Mormon people flows through each page.

Jim Spencer: Jim was a Temple Mormon for over 10 years. Since coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he has been an outspoken apologist exposing Mormon doctrine. He is a recognized speaker and author concerning cult mindset. His writings include two of the books above (Beyond Mormonism and Hard Case Witnessing). He is also a good friend of this ministry!

Ed Decker: Ed's book, The God Makers, is perhaps the definitive book exposing the false basis of Mormonism. His teachings have been embraced by millions of Christians worldwide. Ed has been a dear friend and mentor to me!

Request this package and receive Ed Decker's message "Mormonism and the Law of Eternal Progression" on audio cassette!

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Besides ordering here online, you may order via postal mail,
fax or phone!

MAIL your check or credit card information along with your request to:

Take A Stand! Ministries
POB 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030

(We gladly accept checks, money orders,
Visa, MasterCard or Discover.)

  PHONE your request and
Credit Card information to:

FAX your request and Credit Card information directly to
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Copyright, Eric Barger 2003