The New World Order Under Clinton: Establishment Insiders & Political Deceit

By Eric Barger


"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the

people groan."

(Proverbs 29:3 NKJV)

As the Clinton presidency moves through its first year, those desirous of a socialist, international, New World Order must certainly be pleased. The Clinton administration is right on schedule with socialist programs, controls and spending, new taxes or "contributions," as he calls them, encouraged class-envy and other anti-freedom, anti-God propositions. Accompanying these policies are a slew of globalist insider appointees to reinforce and administrate the goals of the one-worlders. Clinton, the candidate of "change," has only changed the faces that surrounded George Bush. The difference is that America expects a Democrat to be somewhat liberal. Certainly, the bulk of Americans who voted for Clinton never envisioned the global socialist state that he and those who dictate policy to him would institute and are now striving to build. Clinton’s policies have caused him to nose-dive in the polls to the lowest approval rating of any post war president. It would appear to the casual observer that the Clinton administration is like a ship without a compass. Not So! I regret to say that he knows exactly where he is going and he wants to bring America with him - toward a New World Order.

You’ve got to be "slick" to make it work...

Though the globalist’s goal of world domination still seems to be far off, the ground work for their dream is being systematically lain by the new administration. Bill Clinton is fast becoming the dream player of the Establishment insiders - just like they knew he would be. After all, he was schooled and groomed for many years to accomplish the mission he now pursues. Since before his days as the governor of a poor southern state (sounds like 1976 doesn’t it?), Bill, and wife Hillary, were earmarked for the White House. Their destiny as New Age, one-world co-presidents of the United States, to lead us out of our Constitutional freedoms and into a New World Order, is finally within their grasp. With the grace of a high stake card shark and the help of a bottle of political "Crisco," Clinton continues to say one thing, do another, and then change his tune again almost before the ink is dry from the pens of Establishment owned reporters! In politics it’s called "maneuvering" - in reality, it’s called lying.

The New World Order Deceptions...

The next four years, unless the American people catch on and come back to their senses, will find America being turned into a rigorous staging area (politically, morally, spiritually and physically) for a world government. With the three main empowering political institutions in their control (Executive branch, Congress and the Media), the Establishment insiders must feel very confident. No longer must their public leader so stringently cloak his globalist ideals and actions. Though the one-worlders can’t openly announce their bone-chilling intentions to topple our sovereignty, the ruse that their man George Bush was forced to employee to convince conservative voters that he was actually acceptable is over. Now it’s deceit of another kind. Using words such as "liberty," "democracy," "freedom," and "Baptist", Bill Clinton’s convincing charm and charisma have a dulling, "dumbing down" effect upon many today. His ability to consistently and blatantly "say-one-thing-and-do-another" has been his political trademark for many years. Now, we need not doubt that his objectives and policies are being parroted from the one-world creed to which he and his benefactors and long-time partners in the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberger group ascribe. Though his policies claim to be for "the best of the country," their ends aim at the destruction of national patriotism and personal independence. The insiders now have an administration with an openly socialist agenda. Just as frightening to this writer is that the American people either seem not to understand or actually enjoy the idea of having to crawl up to the government feeding trough for anything and everything from health care to food to housing. With these policies in place, how much can happen before we change the name of Washington to Moscow and the Capitol to the Kremlin?!

Who are the "Establishment Insiders?"

To grasp a basic understanding of the movement toward a global government, one must be alert of the work and intentions of at least two very well funded and extremely well organized and powerful groups - The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. For some readers, this information may be elementary, but it certainly bears repeating for anyone not aware of the "Establishment" and its powerful "insiders."

Though little known, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC) are the hotbeds of globalist dogma today. Media coverage of these organizations is sparse at best and certainly incomplete, thus a shroud of aloofness surrounds them. With the exception of the United Nations, there are no more important groups involved in one-world indoctrination in North America than the CFR and TC.

Should one from the "outside" converse with a CFR or TC member, an entirely different picture would be painted to represent the organizations and their globalist intentions. For example, the CFR claims to make no attempt to set any foreign policy or affect the federal government at all. The truth about such misleading statements may shine though when one examines the CFR’s roots.

The Council on Foreign Relations...

The CFR was organized in 1921 by Col. Edward Mandell House, chief adviser to President Woodrow Wilson. House, a socialist, wrote in his book Philip Dru: Administrator, that he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx." He told of a "conspiracy" (his word) which would gain control of both political parties, and use them as instruments in the creation of a socialist world government. (1)

Funding for the Council came from members of the international banking community such as John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and the Rothschild family. The purpose of the CFR, though veiled by a barrage of half-truths and assurances from those involved that no ulterior motives exist, is without question of "one-world" ideology. One could safely say that a nutshell descriptor of the CFR is "to bring about a New World Order through the manipulation of U.S. foreign policy and relations and through international economic interdependence." The CFR is composed of U.S. citizens only. Its current membership, all 2905 of them (1993 figures), is like reading a "who’s who" of the elite politicians, media, financiers, businessmen, and educators.

Once the goals of the CFR’s past and present leadership are implanted within the invitation only, prestigious, CFR member’s ideology, (2) history will record that the path that led America away from Constitutional sovereignty and to global tyranny was paved by the adhering membership of the CFR. Because of the depth of influence that CFR members hold in the aforementioned sectors of American life, it can be said that American liberties and spiritual freedoms may truly live or die depending on the continued unchecked domination of the CFR, through its membership, upon U.S. foreign and domestic policy. Anyone who doubts the goals and objectives of the Rockefeller controlled CFR have only to hear the words of the late Rear Adm. Chester Ward, a 16 year member of the CFR who became an outspoken critic. Ward denounced the CFR as a clique of "one-world global-government ideologists" formed for the "purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government." (3)

The Trilateral Commission...

The Commission was founded to become a type of international CFR. Upon reading the 1970 book Between Two Ages, David Rockefeller lured its writer, Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, away from Columbia University to become the Chairman and co-founder of the TC. Brzezinski, who later became the mastermind of Jimmy Carter’s foreign affairs and national security blunders, is still looked to as a policy guru by the liberal media today. Using the same socialist mindset, objectives and premise as the CFR, the TC sprang from, and was purposely patterned after, Brzezinski’s book in 1973.

The Goal of the TC is to align the free world (North America, Europe and Japan) with the advanced communist states to organize a world government.

The following quotes from Brzezinski’s book illustrate well the intentions of the Trilateral Commission and its adhering membership:

"We must so alter the lifestyle of the people in the United States as to prepare it to merge with the other super power."

"Marxism, disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man’s ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world."

"Movement toward a larger community of developed nations...a variety of indirect ties and (already) developing limitations on national sovereignty."

Calling for a forging of Communism with the West, Brzezinski said: "The goal: World Government." (4)

Need I say more?

Globalist’s Galore - the White House Overfloweth!

Now that we’ve established a basic understanding of these godless, socialist groups, let us proceed with the matter at hand. How does the Clinton administration fit into this picture? They don’t just fit in...they ARE the picture!

The following is a list of Clinton’s cabinet and some major appointees and the globalist organizations that they are a part of:

- Warren Christopher - Sec. of State * CFR Vice Chairman

- Clifton Wharton - Dep. Sec. of State * CFR

- Peter Tarnoff - Under Sec. for Political Affairs

* CFR/TC (Current President of CFR)

- Winston Lord - Assist. Sec. of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs * CFR/TC/Skull & Bones Society (5) (past President of CFR and extreme globalist insider)

- Vernon Jordan - Clinton Transition boss * CFR/TC

- Lloyd Bentsen - Sec. of Treasury

* Bilderberger Group Member/CFR

- Roger Altman - Dep. Sec. of Treasury

* CFR/ties to Skull & Bones Society

- Anthony Lake - National Security Advisor * CFR

- Sam Berger - Dep. National Security Advisor * CFR

- Nancy Soderberg - National Security Council Staff Director * CFR

- Les Aspin - Sec. of Defense * CFR

- James Woolsey - CIA Director

* CFR/Rhodes Scholar (6)

- Adm. William Crowe, Jr. - Intelligence Advisor


- Donna Shalala - Sec. of Health & Human Resources


- Bruce Babbitt - Sec. of Interior * CFR/TC

- Ron Brown - Sec. of Commerce - Washington lobbyist (foreign nations), Chairman of the Democratic Nat. Committee, Partner of Thomas Hale Boggs, Jr.

- Henry Cisneros - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development * CFR/TC

- Roberta Achtenberg - Assist. Sec. of Housing and Urban Development * The first openly gay person ever appointed

- Madeleine Albright - UN Ambassador

* CFR/Atlantic Council (7)

- Strobe Talbott - Aid Coordinator to the Commonwealth of Independent States * CFR/TC/Rhodes Scholar

(former editor-at-large for Time Magazine)

- Dr. Joycelyn Elders - Surgeon General - Who is:

* Avidly Pro-Abortion

* Pro-Condom in Schools

* Wants Work for AIDS "Rights"

* Wants radical sex education

(starting with kindergarten!)

- John Gibbons - White House Science Advisor * CFR He’ll decide which projects (science and technology) will be pushed by administration. This is a very important position considering the left-wing slant on the environment. What he and his ultra-liberal colleagues tell the American people through the news media will undoubtedly desensitize and shape the views of many around the world.

- Robert Reich - Sec. of Labor * Rhodes Scholar

- Alice Rivlin - Dep. Dir. Office of Management and Budget * CFR/TC

- W. Bowman Cutter - Economic Council Dep. Assist.

* CFR/Rhodes Scholar

- Robert Rubin - National Economic Council - Soviet Investment Expert

- Laura Tyson - Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors * CFR

George Stephanopoulos - Special Advisor to the President * CFR/Rhodes Scholar

David R. Gergen - White House Spokesman * CFR/TC

- Rep. Thomas Foley - Speaker of the House of Representatives * CFR/TC (8)

* In list above, CFR/TC notations denote either past or present members.

The capper is that Bill Clinton has been a long standing member of the CFR and was, in 1992, the only State Governor listed in the membership role of the Trilateral Commission! Clinton, also a member of David Rockefeller’s Bilderberger group, has surrounded himself, either by personal choice or the design of those who are pulling his strings, with the most elite, leftist cabinet that one could imagine. Make no mistake, Bill Clinton and his team are extreme far-left, socialist, New Age and as globally minded in orientation as anyone could imagine. True, George Bush, a CFR/TC/Skull and Bones insider with over 380 CFR appointees in the White House (9), became THE spokesman for the New World Order, doing more than any president before him to undermine our autonomy. However, from Hillary Clinton’s alleged contacting of the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt, to Al Gore’s Mother Earth goddess advocacy, Clinton is surrounded by, and is himself no small advocate of a New Age - New World Order based on collective communism. It appears that Clinton is destined to set the dubious record as the U.S. President with the most extreme socialist, one-world orientation, complete with the staff to inflict it upon the American citizenry.

Overwhelming? Yes, it would be easy to despair except for one detail. God is in control. God has allowed the globalist’s to do as they have done, but He is also allowing us the opportunity at this time to rise up and expose the CFR, TC and other individuals and groups who would short circuit freedom and truth. Remember - bringing to light that which is shrouded in the shadow of secrecy is part of our Christian calling (Eph. 5:10-11). Our resolve must be strong and our voices must ring with truth as the confusion of this age surely signals the return of our Lord and King!



1. John Mc Manus, The Insiders, p.7

2. Having one’s name appear on the CFR membership list for a short time should not be an indictment that the new member is a globalist. The CFR is literally THE "Who’s Who" of business, politics, media, education and finance. Thus, many see it as a prestigious honor - until they see what the Council is really purposed to do. It is well known that if a new member doesn’t ascribe to the foundational goals of global socialism quickly he or she is soon dropped from membership.

3. The New American, Feb. 22, 1993, p.31

4. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, p.83, 296, 308

5. The Order of the Skull and Bones is a secretive society of Yale University graduates. Notable members of this ritual-bound and very dark order are Sen. David Boren of Oklahoma, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and President George Bush.

6. Being awarded a Rhodes Scholarship may be a dubious distinction rather than an honor. Cecil Rhodes, a socialist, developed a plan for world domination that included Round Table Groups and scholarships, which would in his words be granted to "the best men in the world’s fight." It would seem that only those ascribing to Rhodes’ globalist dream are considered for Scholarships. Interestingly, globalist Prof. Carroll Quigley (Tragedy and Hope), one of Bill Clinton’s Georgetown Univ. teachers, identified the Council on Foreign Relations as an outgrowth of the Rhodes Round Table Groups. (Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy, Christian World Report, 3/93, p.11)

7. The Atlantic Council, much the same as the TC, is another globalist organization, who’s founder, Christian Herter, was a protege of CFR brain Edward Mandell House.

8. Though not an appointee, Speaker of the House of Representatives Tom Foley (D-WA) is currently a CFR board member and is sure to help push Clinton’s agenda through the House with few obstacles in its way. When asked at a town meeting during the 1992 campaign about the CFR and his involvement with it, Foley replied "It’s just a bunch of good ol’ boys who get together and discuss politics." That may wash with the uninformed, but not with those who understand that CFR members do not stay on the list long unless they ascribe and work toward the organization’s objectives.

9. John Mc Manus, The Insiders, p.62. According to the CFR’s Annual Report for 1991, Bush administration appointees accounted for a whopping 14% of the total membership list of the Council on Foreign Relations for that year.

Copyright 1993 Eric Barger